You know how when you can see the finish line, you’re inspired to work harder to get there? Well that’s exactly how we feel about the explosive growth of Aurox. We are on a mission to bring simple, intuitive crypto trading to the masses and help more traders make money. Our goal is right in front of us and we are driving toward it.
These past few weeks was the calm before the storm as our team prepares for an exciting Spring and Summer ahead. We know the market is fearful but our team doesn’t have an ounce of fear when it comes to our future. Crypto is here to stay, and Aurox will revolutionize both CeFi and DeFi this year.
Our schedule is jam-packed with exciting new products, partnerships, and announcements. Our rapid growth strategy is full-steam ahead and right on track:
EXPANDED DEVELOPMENT TEAM: We hired three new developers last month and will be hiring another batch of developers this month. As of now, we have about 30 world-class developers bringing simple, powerful tools to Aurox Nation.
BTC CONFERENCE IN MIAMI — FREE TICKET AND NEW PRODUCTS: That’s right — Aurox will again be sponsoring the BTC conference on April 6 in Miami. It’s an awesome event. We will have some major new announcements regarding our ecosystem of products during the conference.
Taras and I want to thank everyone who came out and joined us in 2020 and we hope that we will get to meet all of you this year. All the founders will be at the event and even some of our community members will be at our booth to help out.
In fact, we are giving out a free ticket to the conference — Click Here To Apply
NEW WEBSITE, SAME POWERFUL TOOLS: We told you that, as part of taking steps to go public, we were going to give the Aurox website a face lift. Our soft launch of the new site will happen sooner than you think. We spent a significant amount of time and money to create a beautiful design and get it ready for the upcoming exciting few months.
EXCITING HORIZON OF ANNOUNCEMENTS: But it’s always what’s coming that excites us the most. First and foremost, a powerful DeFi Aurox mobile app that will make investing, tracking, and other dApp interactions extremely simple. A significant, multi-million dollar marketing campaign to continue to drive rapid user growth over the next few months. A complete upgrade of the Aurox terminal and a new simplified tool for cross chain DEX trading. Oh, and Project Ōmi. We aren’t ready to discuss that just yet, but stay alert.
Needless to say, it’s non-stop here at Aurox. These next few months are going to be the most important months of our entire company, and of course, our community. Not only is our goal to grow but it’s to completely disrupt this field from the ground up.
Aurox is excited to announce our first-ever investment into our company. This is a significant step to our path to becoming a dominating force in crypto, specifically DeFi.
Over the past few years, our company has turned down investment offers, choosing to be self-funded to nurture growth until the right moment. But now, it’s time to accelerate that growth, pour gas on the fire, and take our users from 60,000 to millions.
With this investment, our company will have the ability to grow our development team, scale up marketing, and deliver products that will revolutionize DeFi.
We’ve always cared about our community, choosing to turn down offers because we know just how much the retail can suffer in the hands of institutional investors. Everyone has seen projects ruined after institutions dump their entire supply of tokens usually structured in the investment deal.
It took a while to get to this point, but this investment aligns perfectly with our company ethos: no tokens sold and no control lost.
Instead, this round was composed of individuals who have been supporting our company in multiple ways. They’re as bullish on us as Aurox Nation. They are part of Aurox Nation.
This $5M strategic round is full of investors who will help grow our company in multiple ways. They will help fast-track our goal to become public this year and support us in the aftermarkets. Several of the investors will tap into their vast network to help market our product line.
For example, one of the investors, RB Capital, has helped public companies take their bad debt, restructure them and turn them into successful businesses. Here is what they had to say about us:
Brett Rosen and Deborah Braun of RB Capital stated, “We’re extremely excited to be part of the first investment round into Aurox. What they have accomplished by self-funding the entire company is nothing short of extraordinary. The dedicated following they have already amassed is very impressive and will lend itself well to their organic growth strategy. Helping them bring DeFi to the public markets will completely change the crypto industry.”
What This Means To Aurox Nation
We’ve had to manage our business by self-funding it. The positive of that is creating and managing a very lean company. Learning and figuring out where the money is best appropriated.
Now, our company can tap into our funding to grow, but at the same time, we have the experience to make sure not a single dollar is wasted.
Over the next few months, we’ll be releasing significant new additions to our products. Scaling up our development and marketing to levels we haven’t done before. Our goal is to make Aurox the fastest-growing company in crypto.
We had an explosive 1,100% growth in 2021, even with a limited budget. This year we’ll beat that.
Aurox Nation is about to get a whole lot larger, I hope you’re ready for it.
We want Aurox to be a dominant company in crypto before the end of the year. Aurox Nation to grow to a community large enough to dwarf everyone else. To achieve that, every part of our company is getting a significant upgrade.
We spent years creating the terminal’s unique functionalities, and now it’s time to wrap them in a beautiful and unique user interface.
Creating A Simple Yet Powerful Interface
We’re excited to announce that we have engaged with the most respected and experienced UX design firm in the world — Clay. Over the next few months, they will work closely with our development team and completely overhaul the Aurox terminal’s user interface. They will expand what makes our platform great and design an easy, intuitive experience that traders will love.
These guys are experts at crafting beautiful platforms. From Google and Amazon to Facebook, Clay has worked hand-to-hand with Fortune 100 companies to design human-focused digital products. Think about it: when crypto exchange Coinbase needed to improve their mobile UX and UI design, who did they turn to? Clay.
And the timing is perfect. As you know, Aurox has taken steps to go public later in 2022.
That will mean a significant new capital injection and a new national marketing campaign.
As we invest millions in introducing Aurox to a broader audience, the Aurox terminal will be ready for its close-up. Just like you, new members of Aurox Nation will love the experience of using the Aurox terminal.
Aurox Nation, we told you we had some big news to share. We weren’t kidding. We are proud to announce today that we are exploring pathways to become a publicly-traded company later in 2022.
This step will mean a major new injection of capital, new national marketing campaigns and growth opportunities, and new accountability and transparency standards.
Simply put, going public will allow us to invest in our platform like never before and significantly grow our community of dedicated crypto traders.
Exploration — Going Public
In 2021, we made the commitment to Aurox Nation that we would raise capital and drive growth with a significant national marketing campaign. As part of that capital raising process, we received an incredibly strong response from private investment firms that were willing to invest in our future.
But it’s just not us. Aurox Nation knows what normally happens here: crypto companies sell tokens privately in order to raise the capital they need to grow. Then the private investors dump the tokens. The community is destroyed in the process.
That’s not why we built Aurox. It’s not what we want or who we are.
We are taking a different path, a public path. The public markets can provide everything we need and want: significant liquidity for growth, new accountability and transparency, and — most important — public participation from Aurox Nation.
Several months ago, we signed a leading crypto law firm to present how and when Aurox could go public. They have provided our leadership team with detailed roadmaps for a series of options, including: a SPAC, reverse merger, a spin off, among others. Some advisors have recommended that we try to get listed on the NASDAQ given its historical connection to tech and software companies.
While we cannot announce details just yet, we are in the late stages of finalizing these plans and deciding what’s best for Aurox’s continued growth, investment and expansion.
Aurox To Lead Crypto, Not Follow
This would be a serious and exciting step. Aurox would become one of the first crypto software companies to go public. There have been some crypto mining companies that have taken this step. But virtually no DeFi company like Aurox has gone public.
It would immediately put our leading crypto trading terminal on the radar of investors and traders across the globe — an incredible opportunity for growth and leadership in the crypto space.
Multi-Million Dollar Marketing Campaign
Aurox Nation already knows that our terminal is the most powerful, easiest-to-use crypto trading platform on the market. Now we are ready to tell the world.
With this step, we will lead a multi-million dollar marketing campaign to introduce our all-in-one crypto trading terminal to the mainstream audience. We are only at the beginning of crypto. Think about it: just four years ago, there were only 11 million people worldwide who were actively trading and investing in cryptocurrencies. Today, there are more than 200 million active traders. It is without a doubt one of the fastest growing and growing industries in the world.
Aurox stands ready to be the platform for the next, larger audience of crypto traders.
Accountability Not Seen in Crypto
We created Aurox to develop an all-in-one crypto-trading platform for traders and by traders. All of you know the barriers on other crypto platforms: costly, fragmented information, inflated volumes, and pump-and-dump scams. We saw VCs getting wealthy on pre-sales while the community of traders were left holding the empty bag.
Unlike privately-held companies, Aurox — our information, volumes, stats, and prices — will be regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. That adds a layer of accountability that virtually no other crypto platform can claim.
We are proud of that.
Why Go Public?
Going public allows us to balance two key priorities: giving us the capital we need to invest in and grow our community while continuing to put Aurox Nation first.
With Aurox, we wanted to build something different. We believed that if we did right by crypto traders, they would do right by us. By going public, Aurox doubles down on that core belief. Now we can access major liquidity in the public markets, invest in our platform and growth, and allow Aurox Nation to participate — all at the same time.
2022 and Beyond
Together with all of you, we have been building toward this moment. We know this is just the beginning. There’s a lot of hard work ahead of us. But we can’t wait to get started.
There’s more to this, and we can’t wait to share every detail with you very soon.
In 2017, over 11 million people worldwide were actively trading and investing in cryptocurrencies. It was this initial spark that would soon explode into over a 200 million active users by 2021. It is without a doubt one of the fastest growing and growing industries in the world. Growth we haven’t seen since the mass adoption of the internet.
Just like the internet, the initial products and utilities being developed currently have focused on building the blocks necessary for future mass adoption. Companies are creating incredible smart contracts to help crypto enthusiast manage their funds, earn yields, and transact in a truly decentralized manner.
But these products are mainly being adopted only by users who are tech inclined, and well versed in the field. There is an obvious gap between majority of crypto users, and users who understand DeFi. Unless this gap is bridged, it can be detrimental to the mass adoption of the most unique aspects of crypto…
Even though there are over a 200 million crypto traders worldwide, less than 2% have utilized services like Uniswap, Compound, and other decentralized smart contracts.
Total DeFi Users Over Time
The problems are obvious. At the core of it is the severely lacking user experience in DeFi. These were some of the same problems plaguing non-DeFi crypto in the early days.
Fiat to Crypto on-ramps were almost nonexistent.
Fees ate into majority of your investment.
Exchanges spent more time on listing tokens and cashing checks, than on ease of use.
Local wallet storage led to massive losses to investors from HD crashes, data wipes, etc..
And much more.
But companies, such as Coinbase, made investing in Bitcoin, Ethereum and other original tokens as easy as clicking one button. Instead of reinventing the wheel, they simply bridged the gap by making experience user friendly.
Coinbase From 2013
But CeFi Also Has A Problem
Major cryptocurrency hacks from 2014–2019
Over the past several years, we’ve seen billion of dollars lost by centralized authorities to hackers. Centralized exchanges will always be a prime target for hackers, and with rapidly expanding codebases, it’s extremely difficult for them to prevent a variety of attacks.
Not just that, but without proper regulatory bodies and audits, these companies have free rein on using your funds to create over-leveraged markets. Theoretically, a company could possess just $5 in liquid funds but allow trading of millions of dollars because there is 0 accountability.
To give you an example, when a user leverages an order, they are essentially borrowing funds from other users on the platform. But do those funds actually exist? The centralized exchange could simply update a few 1s and 0s on the backend and allow margin trading even though they are completely illiquid.
The same exact situation has happened even in the traditional financial systems where banks loaned out capital without any safety nets against bank runs. Leading to collapses of the entire financial systems as seen during the infamous Black Tuesday of 1929.
This is where decentralization is supposed to shine. It’s supposed to prevent these scenarios by taking away control from centralized authorities and allowing users control over their funds. Creating markets that are always liquid. Not your keys, not your money.
Unfortunately, CeFi in crypto is a necessity right now because of the poor user experience of current decentralized systems.
But it’s obvious to see why DeFi has a higher potential. YOU control your destiny. The tokens are on YOUR computer or phone. If you so choose to, you could even destroy the tokens permanently.
DeFi allows you to interact directly with decentralized applications from your computer. There is no centralized authority to control your funds. Unlike centralized finance, you always own your funds. Even in the worst case scenario and a company’s website goes down, your funds are always safe on the blockchain.
It is by far the biggest positive of crypto, and the core concept for Bitcoin’s inception. It is one of the main reasons people purchased Bitcoin when it was worth less than a dollar. Centralized services are in essence the opposite of what crypto stands for.
But again, centralized service are much easier to use. Much easier than DeFi…. But not for long.
Fixing DeFi Using CeFi UX
Until 2019, the entire crypto field was rife with speculation and zero utility. Tokens pumping and dumping strictly on promises and without platforms. But decentralized finance has changed the game. Companies are now creating incredible products and utilizing smart contracts in unique ways to solve major issues in global finance.
But, being such a young field, DeFi comes with many problems. Problems that prevent mass public adoption and usage. If you’re one of the 4 million people who have utilized DeFi, you’ve probably experienced these issues:
Expensive fees
Failed transactions
Honeypot tokens
Head spinning amount of blockchains and DEXes requiring bridges
Hacking and phishing scams
Chances are, at some point, you’ve introduced your friends or family to crypto, probably people who don’t have the same tech understanding as you. And yet, it was very easy for them to sign up and invest using FTX, Binance, Coinbase or variety of other simple to use centralized exchanges.
But now, imagine having to explain wallets, gas fees, failed transactions, DEXes, smart contracts, multi-chains, and every other issue plaguing DeFi. It would be a never-ending conversation of frustration devolving into throwing your computer at the wall.
Unfortunately, fixing these issues aren’t an easy task but it can be done. Aurox will be making it a priority this year to make DeFi simple… Starting with Aurox Mobile.
Introducing Aurox Mobile — DeFi For The Masses
In 2022, Aurox Mobile will deliver DeFi in the hands of 200 million cryptocurrency users with a simple, and intuitive design.
Our goal with the mobile application is to offset all the problems with DeFi to our own backend. The end user will be given a simple UI they’re familiar with to invest, trade, and take part in DeFi protocols with minimal effort.
Let’s breakdown just some of the ways Aurox Mobile will solve the problems plaguing DeFi.
All Major Compatible Chains Supported
Aurox Mobile will allow you to track and trade every single chain in existence. The first roll out of the application will include every EVM chain with non-EVM chains coming soon after the initial release.
But it’s not just that we’ll support all major chains, the user will be able to transact across the chains without having to even pay attention to which chain their funds are available on. More on this later.
Fiat On-Ramp/Off-Ramp
There are thousands of tokens available on decentralized exchanges, yet there is no easy way to purchase them. You’re forced to go to a centralized exchange, purchase stable coins, transfer it to a wallet, and then finally be able to purchase the token.
With Aurox Mobile, that’s a thing of the past. Simply link your debit card or bank, pick any token and buy directly using Fiat.
No More Gas
Every single one of you have experienced this issue. Going to Uniswap to purchase a token using a stable coin, only to realize you have no ETH to pay the gas fee. Then having to purchase ETH, send the ETH to your wallet and end up paying an additional $50 to $100 just to use your stable coin to execute a swap.
Is the current DeFi solutions ready for mainstream audience? Absolutely not.
With Aurox Mobile, you will no longer have to worry about keeping ETH, Matic or any other blockchain based token in your wallet to transact. Easily swap USDC to URUS with a click of a button.
Our solution to this problem will be unlike others. There’s already been progress made by other companies to eliminate this issue, but they’re heavily limited. Trust us, we explored every single option out there and none of them were truly “gas-free”. Every single current solution either has limitations on tokens supported, or requires at least some initial ETH to transact.
Aurox Mobile will have a complete gas-free experience. No user will ever require ETH, Matic, or any other blockchain token to transact.
Eliminating Failed Transactions
Failed transactions can’t happen. Period. If Aurox Mobile is to be utilized by even your parents, failed transactions are not acceptable. There’s several ways Aurox will be tackling this issue.
Optimizing the slippage and gas limits to significantly reduce any failures.
Utilizing MEV protection within the order routing contracts.
In the very rare cases where the transaction fails anyways, the contract will immediately replace the order and pay for the network costs using our own funds.
Again, failed transactions are unacceptable. It’s impossible to explain to someone who has relied on centralized exchanges as to why their transaction didn’t go through and they lost money just for attempting it. The average crypto user isn’t aware that the blockchain can reject transactions, and we’ll keep it that way.
In the very rare cases when transactions still fail, our company is willing to use our own funds to replace the order and pay for the network fees ourselves. Think of it as an insurance policy. Retaining as many users as possible will require some monetary sacrifices on our end, but in the end, we’ll create a dedicated, long term and happy customer base.
Cross-Chain Trading
Another major problem with usability is having to explain bridges and multiple blockchains to non-DeFi users. It is the BIGGEST problem in DeFi and there’s multiple companies working on a multitude of different solutions to this problem.
Our solution is simple, the user will be able to select any token, on any chain, and use it to purchase any other token. On top of that, our routing contracts will automatically route to the cheapest available chain.
1 ETH = 1 ETH. Independent on which major chain the Ethereum is located on.
Therefore, when the user purchases ETH, our smart routing protocol will determine the cheapest chain for the user. Not only will it save the user significant fees, it will also find the cheapest priced ETH across all the networks.
Think of it as a blockchain aggregator.
This is by far the most powerful functionality and it will completely eliminate the need for the user to pay attention to blockchains. With cross-chain aggregation, the frontend UI will look and feel like the centralized exchanges they’re used to.
Accomplishing this goal requires significant development. It’s been under development for months, and we’re getting closer to accomplishing it. We’re hoping to release this function along with the MVP, but it’s possible we’ll be forced to release Aurox Mobile first without this function, and then quickly add it behind the scenes.
Simple and Easy to Use UI
We’ve created an UI that makes it simple to transact on DEXes. The application, smart contract and the backend will handle everything else for the user.
You’ll be able to view:
A simple chart (or a full fledged TradingView chart with Aurox Indicators)
Meta information such as website, social media, project info, etc..
Quick stats such as holders, market cap, liquidity, etc..
But even more so, you’ll be able to quickly search through curated lists of tokens via our tag system. For example, the tag system will allow you to filter coins based on:
Newly listed
High volumes
Fast holder increase
Protocol categories
The goal of our simplified UI is to cut out all the mess of dealing with DEXes and allow you to search, tap, and invest in your favorite tokens.
When Release
We’ve been actively developing the smart contracts and the mobile application for the past few months now. We’re expecting the beta release within the next few months. The beta will be invite only for our current users, and will help us iron out any kinks.
Aurox has always taken a stance to avoid setting exact deadlines because it leads to either disappointment or being forced to release a buggy product. As you may know, development can be unpredictable, everyone has seen time and time again that delays can happen.
However, we are actively hiring aggressively to release the application before the end of this quarter. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, we’ll be on strict deadline to release the product as soon as possible.
Tying It Into Aurox Terminal
All the functionalities discussed above will also be available within the terminal, but at a later date.
Our terminal is going through a major UX redesign to accommodate these functionalities as well as much more. Once the UX has been significantly improved, these same contracts will be integrated into the terminal.
Stay Tuned
This is just a glimpse of what’s the come within the Aurox ecosystem. There are significantly more functionalities coming for both the Mobile application and the Terminal. We’ve been extremely broad discussing some of the functions above on purpose, and we have a lot more surprises in store!
All of us know that cyber and crypto security threats are real. But we aren’t sitting on the sidelines. We are beefing up our security team with a new advisor, Bryce Case, Jr. — known to the underground tech community as YTCracker and a self-described “computer security lightning rod.”
Case has been raising security threats for more than two decades, “devoting himself to the “Dark Arts of Computing.” Today, Case leads a team of AppSec + OffSec engineers and whitehat hackers at Amazon.
During the earlier days of the internet, Case was able to compromise multiple corporate and U.S. Government websites, including Honda and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Not to do harm, but to alert security problems so that their systems could be strengthened.
Case has always been at the forefront of the digital age, creating one of the first forums dedicated to monetizing the internet, Digital Gangster.
Digital Gangster has an infamous past, but at its core, it was composed of tight knit individuals utilizing the internet to generate money. Including the early adoption of cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin.
Through Digital Gangster, Case became very well connected and respected in the tech community. He’s going to lend his name and rolodex to help make new introductions that will drive the terminal and ecosystem forward.
But even more important, he is going to test and stress the Aurox terminal and identify any potential security flaws he finds. He’ll also recommend and help implement good security practices moving forward.
Three months ago, we made a commitment to Aurox Nation: invest in our marketing efforts and drive attention to — and users of — our all-in-one crypto trading platform.
We are continuing to honor that commitment today with the announcement that Aurox has partnered up with our attorney, Gordon Law, to acquire the Ethereum Facebook Group — the original and the largest Facebook crypto community.
The Ethereum Facebook Group is a community — like all of you — of dedicated crypto enthusiasts. The numbers speak for themselves: 500,000 active members and thousands of new joining the group each and every week. What’s more, Ethereum is here to stay, and as the token grows, so will this group.
That means we now own one of the largest, most active, fastest growing cryptocurrency communities on the market. Beginning immediately, we will introduce the Aurox Terminal to this active community and their engaged members.
Ultimately, this group is going to help us increase revenue and help Aurox grow to unprecedented levels — both through new advertising opportunities and partnerships.
The Aurox Team has one more incredible new member, Steve Lehr! Steve will be joining our team as the chief software advisor, and we couldn’t be more excited.
Steve’s background is impressive, to say the least.
As a Silicon Valley native, he’s worked closely with companies like Google and SalesForce. Using his experience from working with these giants, he founded RingLead.
Steve’s drive for leading developers and creating companies has allowed him to grow RingLead to an 8 figure a year business. RingLead pioneered the Salesforce partner validation process and relationship. So it’s no wonder that RingLead was recently acquired by a behemoth of a corporation called ZoomInfo.
We’re so excited to receive help from such a driven, entrepreneurial, and knowledgeable person to speed up our company and development.
But we’re not the only ones excited. Steve is too. Within just a few days of him coming on board, he wanted to make it official… By buying a blue URUS.. and no, I’m not talking about our token. The Lamborghini Urus.
Aurox Nation, let’s welcome Steve to our community. With his help, Aurox will grow to unprecedented levels and accomplish our goals: To become the de facto trading terminal for crypto.
We have a core belief at Aurox: if we take care of our community of traders, they will take care of us. That’s why today, in a new partnership with Gelato Network, we are proud to now offer Aurox Nation a new, powerful tool: smart contracts with full-fledged limit ordering for QuickSwap… & PancakeSwap Coming Soon.
It may sound a bit technical, but it’s a simple, powerful addition that will give Aurox traders a huge advantage. The Gelato Network will execute your limit orders automatically across QuickSwap — regardless of the coin and how large or small the liquidity it has.
Simply put, it’s a major expansion of the Aurox platform. Right now, we offer DEX limit ordering, but the functionality only goes so far. There has to be “takers” for the order to execute. And if there are no “takers” for low liquidity tokens, the orders never get executed. That’s a lose-lose.
Gelato’s smart contract functionality will be seamless and automatic. If you’re looking for a limit order on a coin, our platform will automatically find a taker and help execute the trade.
It’s also another major bump for effort to expand the number of traders using our platform. Gelato is going to help market and promote us to their 15,000+ telegram users and 28,000 twitter followers. And all of this comes on top of CoinMarketCap Earn’s selection of Aurox for their trusted and emerging projects series.
We are excited to announce that Taras, Ziga, and I have named Reeve Benaron as our lead advisor and board member for strategic development.
Reeve is a rock star and an amazing addition to Aurox Nation. He spent a decade working at the hyper-aggressive investment bank Salomon Brothers. Bringing traditional finance chops to the table is fantastic, but we really love Reeve because he’s an entrepreneur. In fact, he has founded a series of start-ups in the emerging ad tech space and successfully built them to be hundred-million dollar enterprises.
We are thrilled to add his financial experience, his entrepreneurial mindset, and, most of all, his passion to our team.
Reeve is not someone who sits on the sidelines. He is ready to dive in and invest his time and talent in helping take the Aurox platform to the next growth stage. In his new advisory role, Reeve is going to lead in a couple of critical areas:
Attract New Investment: Reeve will leverage his decades working as an investment banker to help Aurox expand its connections within the financial industry. That’s not only going to introduce our company and platform to new audiences, but help us bring new investment to the table.
Drive Aggressive Marketing: As an entrepreneur, Reeve founded AudienceX, an ad-tech company that specializes in helping companies grow their business. It’s a perfect fit for our focus on expanding Aurox’s reach.
Expand Powerful Partnerships: You may or may not know Salomon Brothers, but the fact is, people don’t succeed there unless they know how to get deals done and make money. Reeve will do the same thing for Aurox — bring critical partners together and strike deals that will propel Aurox forward.
Aurox already has a strong — and growing — community of traders. With your help, we smashed through our goal of securing 50,000 registered users. We are committed to investing in the Aurox Terminal, the most powerful, easy-to-use trading platform on the market.